Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Starting of a Brand New Day

OK...took this picture right off my t.v. (wish I could have actually been that close)...planning on "scrapping" this event in history. Moving forward...don't look back anymore!
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Monday, January 19, 2009

In a new direction

Took this photo in NYC but as Obama's inaugaration approaches I don't know where we are going yet...but I have HOPE that we will finally be headed in the right direction. "I HOPE, I HOPE" (from Shawshank Redemption)
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Chained In

An interesting mix of warm rusted metal and cool cold ground...keeping the horses in the field safe.
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Peaceful One

Even the horses in the fields I pass every day must be "over" this snow!
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

One Head Light

OK...enough with the snow, ice and cold already. This is a photo of my front head light before I start chipping away at it ONCE AGAIN! I don't normally mind winter but this stuff is all messin' with my social life...not funny anymore!
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Sunday, January 11, 2009


No two twigflakes are alike...Dave decided we should leave this one exactly as it is and see if it shows up on the grass this spring when all the layers of snow have melted down and interesting experiment from the "Mythbuster Man".
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A simple word....

And yet, it can mean so much. It's a new year...let's all try to treat each other with more grace and kindness. As the Sienfeld episode said..."You can NEVER have too much GRACE"
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Early Signs of Spring

Well, here I am looking for interesting shots of last night's snowstorm and what do I find...a frozen remembrance of last summer...can spring training be far off?
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The last bit of Christmas

The tree is down, the lights are unplugged, but I just can't put these last bits of sparkle away. I have a bunch of them in a ceramic bowl that Lauren gave me for Christmas. At night, the reflection from my candle bounces off them. Little things make me happy!
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The Ice Storm Cometh

Once again, the ice and snow have kept us trapped at home. A no school day...a least a good chance to practice my photography skills.
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Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm in a Painting Mood

Ok, today is the last day of vacation and I finally made it back up to my studio to paint. I am full of creative ideas and energy but unfortunately I have to go back to work tomorrow. But, there is a possibility of snow on Wed. so maybe I can get back up there before the creative sparks fade!
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