Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Alphabet Extemplar

OK...it's vacation week and I am back in the studio again. Here's my first piece...full of colors to get out of this dull winter mode I'm in...started working on another collage today...like it so far....we'll see what the end results bring!
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Chair's on the Cover!

My friends, Karen and Traci suggested I submit a piece of my artwork for the cover of iTowns Magazine in the Sunday Hartford Courant...and they picked it...so here's the issue that came out on Sunday, Feb. 8, 2009....WaHoo..!
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Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'm Selling on Etsy!

I finally have gotten around to opening up a shop on Etsy. I am not the most technological girl out there but with the help of my daughter, Lauren, I have finally accomplished what I should have done along time ago...hey, better late than never! This is one of my paintings for sale on the site.
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My Birthday Flowers

Lauren surprised me by stopping by while I wasn't home and leaving me a beautiful mecury vase filled with shocking pink, rosy red and chalk white gerber daisies. A wonderous thing of beauty on a cold January day. Mucho thanks "Chica"
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